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Foundational Values Of The Global Evangelism Roundtable
Hurdal, Norway, March 21-25, 1999
Report from the Global Evangelism Roundtable Working Group

(Note: see below for a Statement for the Public and Media)

We are a people profoundly committed to Biblical, Historic, Trinitarian  Christianity, with particular appreciation for the Lausanne Covenant, as well as our own Evangelical church heritage.

As we consider the future of world evangelization and the life of the global church, we affirm:

  1. Our common goal for and passionate commitment to world evangelization;
  2. Our dedication to a life of prayer and unleashing the entire Church into global intercession;
  3. The proclamation of a wholistic, transforming Gospel, underscoring the centrality of the church for world evangelization;
  4. The need for a new, global, relational "wineskin" within a context of continuity and not based on position nor structure;
  5. A manifestation of unity grounded in the partnership of equals around the globe;
  6. The need for a thorough re-examination of a theology of the church;
  7. Regional and national networks that also have a global focal point;
  8. The need for a more representative platform in which all members of the Body of Christ are equal partners (for example: charismatics and non-charismatics, male and female, younger and older, academics and practitioners);
  9. The need for one cooperative vehicle that supports a plurality of ministries;
  10. Our obedience to the Holy Spirit for empowerment, guidance and recognition of leadership;
  11. Our commitment to a biblical and accountable stewardship of resources;
  12. Our decision to communicate our unity to every level of our various networks, and to the wider Body of Christ.

We propose the establishment of a new Evangelical platform for cooperation in fulfilling the task of world evangelisation in the 21st Century.

  • This new global forum is a network of networks, such as the continuing components of the AD2000 and Beyond Movement, the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, the World Evangelical Fellowship (in particular its Missions Commission) and other evangelical networks (geographic and functional) serving the cause of world evangelisation.
  • The global forum stands in the stream of Biblical, historic Christianity, with a special appreciation for the evangelical heritage, including the Lausanne Covenant.  The forum is committed to mobilizing the whole church to take the whole gospel to the whole world.
  • The function of the leadership in the forum will be a facilitative one, able to articulate and release the vision.
  • As a roundtable, the forum operates with a &flat8, open, inclusive and non-bureaucratic structure.
  • We propose naming an ongoing Working Committee initially consisting of representatives of the three major networks, charged with the task of developing a formal, concrete plan for the establishment of the forum within the next year.  This proposal will then be considered by other major networks.
    • The three networks will ratify the proposal and nominate their representatives within 60 days; three months subsequent to this, they will have their first meeting.
    • Thomas Wang will serve as initial convenor of the Working Group.
    • This process will be facilitated by Interdev.

 Working Group Members:

     --Phill Butler
     --Paul Cedar
     --Tormod Engelsviken
     --Dwight Gibson
     --John Kyle
     --Torbjorn Lied
     --Brian O'Connell
     --Bill Taylor
     --Thomas Wang

Note: Working Committee was joined by Robyn Clayton (Australia), Itefa Gobena (Ethopia), and Iman Santosa (Indonesia) in putting forth the future proposal, final draft of the foundational values and the public statement.

Statement for the Public and Media

International Christian Leaders propose a new framework for cooperation in world evangelization.

Representatives of the major international evangelical networks met in Hurdal, Norway, March 21st to 25th 1999 to discuss their relationships and develop a new framework for cooperation into the new millennium.   The conference, hosted by the Norwegian Missionary Council, was called by the AD 2000 and Beyond Movement, the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and the World Evangelical Fellowship.

Historic differences were laid aside in an atmosphere of prayer and humility as the participants explored the core values which they share in common.  There was unanimous support for a new framework marked by an evangelistic vision, a common basis of faith rooted in a biblical, historic, evangelical Christianity and a recognition of the centrality of the local church in world evangelization.  In seeking a new platform for cooperation the conference participants committed themselves to creating a cooperative vehicle that is open to all parts of the Body of Christ and affirms a plurality of ministries and different regional and national distinctives.

In a spirit of expectancy, the conference proposed the establishment of a global forum to provide a new evangelical platform for cooperation in fulfilling the task of world evangelisation as we enter the 21st century.

The global forum will be designed as an open, inclusive partnership in order to encourage wide participation and facilitate collaboration between geographical and functional groups. The major networks represented at the conference expressed a strong commitment to align their ministries with this development and to participate fully in the proposed forum.

A working committee was charged with the responsibility to develop the proposals into a series of recommendations to be presented for adoption.

Global Evangelism Roundtable
March 21-26, 1999
Oslo, Norway

Overview of participants:  80+ people from 35 countries. Twenty six people identified themselves with WEF, 17 with LCWE, 26 with AD2000, and 21 with other linkages (note: some identified themselves with more than one network).

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