Synthesis of Key Values and Intentions for GCR from Hurdal and Dallas Consultations (International Task Force, March 2000 - Sierra Madre)
Our mandate from Hurdal and Dallas as the Facilitation Team and International Task Force for GCR is to create a new, global, relational "wineskin" for the fulfillment of the Great Commission which will:
- commit itself to mobilizing the whole church to take the whole gospel to the whole world in the holistic, incarnational and transformative manner described in the Lausanne Covenant.
- provide facilitative leadership to articulate and release a passionate and prophetic vision for world evangelization.
- serve as one cooperative vehicle providing a global focal point for existing and new regional and national evangelization networks.
- be a more representative platform in which all members of the Body of Christ can connect and participate as equal partners listening to God and one another and communicating our unity to every level of our various networks and
to the wider Body of Christ.
- seek to be obedient to the Holy Spirit for empowerment, guidance and recognition of leadership in order to stimulate and undertake fresh approaches to world evangelization.
- unleash the entire Church into global intercession, giving special focus in prayer and ministry to those who have never heard the Gospel or received Christian ministry-- the 3000 peoples less than 5% Christian (2.24 billion).
- stress the centrality of the church for world evangelization and catalyze a church-based movement for that purpose.
- encourage thorough re-examination of the theology and mission of the Church as well as biblical and accountable stewardship of the Church's resources for the work of mission.
- operate with a flat, open, inclusive, servant-hearted and non-bureaucratic structure made up of geographical and functional networks-- bringing together God's people for action and reflection.
- pass the torch for world evangelization to the younger generation.