Dialogue and sharing of stories and testimonies on the theme with grassroots people.
Networking with organisations which deal on themes of mission and development (World Council of Churches, Lutheran World Federation, World Alliance of Reformed Churches, NGOs, etc.)
Stories of interfaith mission with proximate goals in concrete contexts.
Identifying good centres of mission education and training and providing information.
Follow-up/ issues for further reflection
Building upon work done on the theme by our and other organisations (survey).
Evaluation by all involved.
Further reflection on the theme at national, regional and local levels, in the context of “uncertainty”.
Taking into consideration culture and other religions in particular contexts.
Working ecumenically (globally, regionally and locally).
Reflecting anew on conversion, distinguishing between proselytisation and call to discipleship.
Providing liturgical materials for prayers and sermons (e.g. Iona Community, WCC, etc.).
Working on HIV/AIDS:
Supporting and encouraging the congregations in this effort (technically, theologically, socially).
Empowering and enabling people for healing, through care and overcoming stigma and discrimination (evangelism).
Addressing different levels of awareness and actions on the pandemic in the different regions.
Learning how to deal with conflicts. (e.g. Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa).
Working on issues of justice, peace, globalisation and development, rather than remaining with charity.
Giving importance to the unique experience of children who are most vulnerable in any situation and seeing the theological significance and missiological implication.
Developing counselling programmes to deal with attitudes such as ‘better to die later through a virus than dying today of hunger’. This is extremely important for street children.
Patterns and styles of running orphanages need to be looked into. There should be facilities and motivation to enjoy freedom and integration into the community.