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- Examine the role of the Christian church in the world today.
- Experience the reality of the Zambian context in which mission happens today.
- Examine what it means to live our mission in today's world.
The Goals:
- to understand and appreciate the gift of mission as evangelism and the gift of mission as development from a variety of contexts.
- to identify, and begin to understand and grapple with the complexities of the issues that we face as a world church.
- to hear from each of the continents, and begin to understand their focus for mission as evangelism as we discern the relevance of this understanding for our own work.
- to interact with a wide variety of people and understandings of mission as evangelism.
And sub-themes included:
- The world in which we live and work
- Biblical and historical roots
- Mission in five continents
- Mission and HIV/AIDS
The gathering also included preparation work for the 2005 CWME Conference. In order to accomplish this, information was provided to the participants in lectures and through a panel of three, which
focused on the previous conferences, and in particular on the next conference. A document summarising the lectures, focusing specifically on reconciliation and healing, the thematic focus of the Conference, is being prepared, as a
contribution to its preparation process. Also, all the papers will be printed in a book.
1.1 The Programme included:
- Two theme presentations each day with two or three respondents for each theme presentation. Although it was also planned to have the opportunity for small group discussions and reflection, this
rarely occurred.
- Two field trips to experience mission in rural Zambia.
- Informal presentations and an opportunity for special interest groups as identified by participants.
- Morning worship and evening vespers led by people from different contexts and different faith perspectives.
1.1 Participants.
Around 200 persons participated in the conference, which included representatives, --most of whom were renowned scholars world-wide--, from the five continents. The theme presentations therefore came
from a wide variety of contexts and theological, political, social and economic perspectives, representing all partner churches and organisations; mainline churches from all continents; selected representation from liberation and
evangelical churches and selected theological Colleges from different parts of the world.
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