GCR Glossary of Terms
Roundtable- A forum for open, honest discussion by equal partners where the views of all are respected and considered towards mutual understanding and collaboration where possible. A place where God's guidance is
anticipated and welcomed through prayer and worship together.
"A network is any group of individuals or organisations who, on a voluntary basis, exchange information or undertake joint activities and who organise themselves in such a way that their individual autonomy remains intact."
(Starkey P, 1997. Networking for development. International Forum for Rural Transport and Development, London, 104 pp. ISBN 1 85339 430 0)
Ministry network-
A ministry network is an association of free-standing organizations, churches and individuals who are committed to a common mission and values and who collaborate to achieve that mission through sharing personnel, information and/or resources.
Partnership- Two or more individuals and/or organisations who collaborate to achieve a common purpose. Collaboration assumes:
- you are not working alone
- there is action
- there is a common purpose
(Interdev Partnership Training Course)
A person seeking to bring together groups working with the same ministry focus, carrying out work through their collective vision, and seeking to act as a link person between the ministry network's participating groups.
A person appointed by the network (through a board or a consultation consensus) to oversee and administer the work decided by network participants. This person may also act as a communication link point to other networks and to the Great Commission Roundtable. In the case of GCR, the international coordinator is appointed by the Facilitation Team in consultation with the International Task Force.
Networker- A collective term for an unappointed facilitator or an appointed coordinator serving a network or partnership. Effective networkers are neutral and reputable people with an understanding of that particular
ministry who establish, maintain and develop the central communication and information point of the network.
International Task Force- The leadership team of 22 ministry network leaders chosen to oversee GCR. They are chosen for their heart for a particular ministry focus as well as their gifts, wisdom and experience as
bridgebuilders in the Body of Christ. They must be willing and available to serve with GCR working groups and to act as representatives of the global network in their region.
Facilitation Team- a group of eight from the International Task Force who serve as the executive leaders of GCR served by the international coordinator.
Board of Reference- a group of currently thirteen senior Christian leaders who serve in an honorary and, if they wish, an advisory role for GCR.