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Roger Greenway’s book, “Go and Make Disciples” is a compact, clear, passionate, Biblical and up-to-date treatment of the Christian mission, a handbook for all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Much about Christian mission has changed in recent years, as the book will inform you. Our own mission expert, Dr. K. Rajendran, General Secretary of Indian Missions Association, who wrote the foreword sees the book as essential for us now in India.  

In a recent email the Publisher mentioned this book in passing and said  “George Verwer put pressure on OM Books to publish this book”.  Having read it I can see why. I am glad to see packed into about 190 pages, what it has taken me years to learn from hundreds of conferences, hundreds more articles, books and message tapes and wide travels. 

The book leads us to see Christian mission flowing out of the nature of God and shining through the entire Bible, beginning with Genesis, the first book. I would read the book just to be exposed to the more than 220 Bible references given, most of them quoted in the book. What the Bible says on the subject is so relevant in evaluating our actions and inactions. It is time to get back to the Bible.

“Go and Make Disciples” takes Christian mission out of the hands of the few specialists and puts it in the hands of all Christians, the man and women in the pew, especially those in the so-called market places.  Make sure that your pastor has a copy of this book. The book is ideal for small group studies. Each of the twenty chapters ends with three or four “Discussion Questions”, besides several review questions.

The book is especially written with people from Asia, Africa and Latin America in mind.  These nations now represent the greatest potential for Christian missions and on them depends part of the hope of re-evangelising the so-called Christian countries of the west, many of which have fewer believers than many of the Asian countries.

The book gives many practical ideas for you, your fellow Christians and your church to be used of God while you go about your normal life. It will show you how you can be a better partner with God in His plans and purposes, which alone will stand. The book is especially good for those considering a career in Christian missions. Dr Rajendran says it is good even for those “in a rut, in Christian missions”.

The book underlines the author’s “passion for God and a burning desire that God alone be worshipped everywhere”.  The author believes that “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters covers the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14. He invites you to recognise that you are a co-worker with God and how you can improve this partnership and its outworking.

As usual with books these days, the appendix is not to be missed: “How to evangelise and multiply churches”. It is the first “chapter” I read after the front and back covers and the introduction.

I highly recommend this easy-to-read and understand book to all Christians. You and your surroundings will not be the same again. The price, just Rs. 59.00, makes it even more irresistible. I hope this will soon be in many Indian languages.


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